Saturday, September 21, 2019

FUCK “NICE” by Brian Rihlmann

I’ve never touched the rim
and I never will
no matter how hard I try
no matter how high I jump

no matter how many coaches there are 
standing around to “encourage” me

you telling me
I should be nicer to people
nicer to YOU
is a lot like that

if all you want is nice
you’re not my tribe anyway

salesmen are “nice”
when they sell you a lemon

politicians are “nice”
they smile and crack jokes
as they sign laws
that’ll starve children 

bosses can be “nice”
as they kick your ass
out the door

and whores are always
so very “nice”
when they slip 
a little something 
in your drink
as their “manager”

waits in the hall

Brian Rihlmann was born in NJ, and currently lives in Reno, NV. He writes mostly semi autobiographical, confessional free verse, much of it on the so-called "grittier" side.  Folk poetry...for folks.  He has been published in Constellate Magazine, Poppy Road Review, and has an upcoming piece in The American Journal Of Poetry.

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