Saturday, January 25, 2020

Dear Rathnar by Rathnar Kilbane

Today the mighty Rathnar shall answer some of my future victims scrolls sent into the mighty kingdom of UTB.

First from MicroPenisKC.

Dear Rathnar, I am a pathetic Midwest poet who has a deep secret I must share.
For I secretly wish to wear the skin of actual men so I can know what it is like to truly be one. 
Any advise you can give me would be greatly appreciated. 

Well pathetic poet of the Midwest realm.
Skinning another for his flesh is nothing to ashamed of.
I skinned my first victim at the age of three.
Then turned his backside into nice gloves to keep Rathnar's hands warm.

Now jump in front of a semi at the truck stop you work swallowing swords to give praise to please Odin.

The next scroll comes to us from the realm of West Virginia. 

WrasslinIsRealToMe69 asks 

Dear Rathnar,

This girl in school is really hot but I'm just too shy to approach her and ask her on a date, how is the best way to approach my sister and let her know my true feelings?

Strange man from the kingdom of West Virginia. 

What are these silly feelings of which you speak of?
You sound like one of my wenches bleeding the river of red.

Simply put a knife to your sisters throat and take her as a true Viking.
Or if you are a romantic invite her to a orgy, drink much mead and bash her over the head taking her from behind while howling at the moon allowing the Gods to watch.

My last question comes from a scroll from the kingdom of France from Popthecorklickthesnail2000.

Dear Rathnar,
I would love to be your next sacrifice at your next bloodbath poetry reading.

I have included some pics and some say if almost blind I kind of look like a girl or sexy orgre.

Dear strange being from the kingdom of France,

Rathnar would be happy to slay you and toss your body upon the fire, for Rathnar loves killing all no matter whatever the hell they are.
Odin will be pleased.

Well until next time the Mighty Rathnar shall enjoy killing and searching for trolls.

Kill many, drink much and pillage without remorse and remember.
To visit your local sorcerer afterwords to avoid getting the curse of the dripping fire.

All Hail The Rathnar! 

                                                                  Rathnar Kilbane

Is the poet laureate of Iceland and has written many scrolls In-between conquering kingdoms and burning down villages.

His poetry bloodbath reading series is still one of the most savage gatherings in poetry.
It is so brutal it earned him an Ezine for 2019 most blood thirsty poet.

He is currently looking for a publisher for his newest scroll.

After his most recent died in a unfortunate raid on the middle of the night.

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