Saturday, June 20, 2020

Heart Emoji. By John Patrick Robbins

I once knew a guy who went off the rails cause of a single rejection. 
He seemed to not realize, this was just part of our world .

The work, the grind for little or no reward .
He really didn't seem to get nobody was truly winning at anything these days .

He complained to me .

“Dude, I only got forty likes and one heart on my last post. This is serious .”

I thought of people in hospitals , I thought of men awaiting trials and possible life imprisonment.
I thought of soldiers fighting wars .

I laughed to myself and simply told him to fuck off .

Life doesn't depend on your Facebook wall.
Nurse another round please. 

John Patrick Robbins,  is no longer available for comments, he has been replaced by Terry The Turtle.

Who holds a degree in social media ass kissing and arts in crafts, when he graduated from Yale with honors and a golden kazoo.

As for John, it's rumored he has returned to the wilderness to spend out his days taming grizzlies and carving life like chainsaw art sculptures that all resemble Taylor Swift.

Has he truly lost his mind and been driven insane by writers?

Tune in next week for the newest installment of whatever happend to the Mad Editor .

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