Friday, August 17, 2018

My Best Friend --for Tobe’ by Todd Cirillo

I felt the vibration,
looked down
and saw 
he was calling me,
on the phone no less!
No text, no email,
no quick Facebook comment,
a real person to person connection.
We can go months 
without actually speaking.
He HATES talking on the phone.

I answer quickly,
“what’s happening my man.”
Nothing...only faraway voices
mumbling amid background noises.
I try again....
one last time.
I hang up.

I text him,
“Hey brother, 
you must have butt-dialed me.”

A response came quickly,
“No butt-dialing buddy,
the phone was in my FRONT pocket.”

and that sums up
my best friend-
a truly talented dick. 

This poem was first published in Todd's
book.   Suckers Paradise 
Published by Six Ft Swells Poetry 
The finest books to drink by out on the market .

Todd Cirillo is co-founder and editor of Six Ft. Swells Press. His latest book is Burning the Evidence (Epic Rites Press, 2017). He has other books available and has been published in numerous national and international publications. Todd lives in New Orleans, Louisiana and can be found soaking his pirate heart in second lines and smiling under the neons searching for shiny moments. Look him up at Todd Cirillo

Todd Cirillo
Poet Writer Editor Publisher Pirate

"The news is bad today, in America and for America. There is nothing good or hopeful about it--except for Nazis, warmongers, and rich greedheads" HST

1 comment:

  1. I felt something Vibrate in my pocket too but it wasn't a phone. Overall I find this write very relatable or at least it would be if I actually had any friends that didn't lock me in a cellar for a couple of weeks and made me put the lotion on the skin. I give this write 4 paternity lawsuits out of 5.


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