Thursday, October 11, 2018

Tuesday Night at the Bar. by Alyssa Trivett

My male friend comments
everyone propped up
at the bar
might be headed to a local
sleazy hotel to check in,
They're all drunk from 
spewing commas
at one another, the way
they throw their coats on
at last call,
like honorary football players
after a big win.
I just want to sit and unwind 
and put the Jukebox on 
for an hour or two.
And throw comic bubbles for a few.
Two beers, and a shot glass
if I can't remember the name of it.

Not a bad evening.

Alyssa Trivett is a wandering soul from the Midwest. When not working two jobs, she listens to music, chirps down coffee, and scrawls lines on the back of gas station receipts. Her work has appeared recently at In Between Hangovers, The Penwood Review, The Rye Whiskey Review ,  and Apricity Magazine.

1 comment:

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