Monday, September 23, 2019

HELEN’S HOUSE. By Bryn Fortey

Meeting with poets Bruce Hodder and Mark Carver
In Helen Verrill’s. house

A terraced house in Semilong, Northampton
A Bohemian house, once you went inside
Musical instruments here and there
Paintings on the walls
The accumulated clutter of an artistic soul
A place where Cassady might have rested
Following a long hard drive
Where Ginsberg might have chanted
And shook a tambourine 
While Kerouac would have wanted
To keep the party going
But that was then and now is now
And it was gentler souls
I was meeting today
With poetic talent the glue that bound
Sparking a sunny autumn evening
Of wonderful conversation
Confirming friendships that were now
More than just Facebook posts
So thank you, Helen
For welcoming us all into your home
It was a genuine delight

Bryn Fortey is a veteran writer from Wales in the UK. Widely published
over the years, he has had two collections published by The Alchemy 
Press, both featuring a mix of short stories and poetry. He is grateful that
in old age he is still able to put pen to paper and finger to keyboard

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this lovely poem and for seeing the spirit of our house. Helen x


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