Saturday, November 9, 2019


over a 40+ year period
the FBI amassed
thousands of pages
in an ever bulging file
on Frank Sinatra

their first involvement 
was to investigate a malicious claim
that he’d paid a doctor $40,000
to declare him unfit for the WW2 military 
a rumour that dogged the rest of his life
in spite of being proved false

the FBI might have cleared the singer
in that first instance
but then devoted time and manpower 
in unsuccessful attempts to tie him
as a participant in organised crime

Sam Giancana, Angelo Bruno
Joseph and Charles Fischstti
Anthony and Vito Giacalone
were some of the top Mafia mobsters
Frank partied with as friends
never hiding that he knew them
that he sang at their clubs
and enjoyed their company

so, unable to offer a case against him
for Mafia related criminal activity
the FBI switched to accusations
of communist leanings
using his opposition to racism
and support for liberal causes
as Red Menace indicators 

Frank Sinatra was a complex sort of guy
who enjoyed Mafioso company
yet supported democracy and liberalism
and in spite of all their efforts
the FBI never made a case against him

Bryn Fortey is a veteran writer from Wales in the UK. Widely published
over the years, he has had two collections published by The Alchemy 
Press, both featuring a mix of short stories and poetry. He is grateful that
in old age he is still able to put pen to paper and finger to keyboard

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